Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 22, 2006

gardens, garages, and grrrrrs

Today was a complete work day for B and I. We started our day out planting a few flowers and shrubs in the front garden. We were suppose to go buy a few more plants, but we kept to busy all day. (Maybe tomorrow.) Once we have some more plants in, I will post a picture.

We then moved into the garage and began to attack the beast of a mess that our garage had become. We put up shelves, organized things, and hung some stuff up high and out of the way. It looks so good now. If we didn't have an entire corner (I'm talking 25+ boxes) worth of teaching stuff that has no classroom, we would have the best looking garage around.

Maggie hasn't been getting her fair share of blog updates thanks to N, but today is her day. She is really enjoying herself in the new house. One of her favorite places is the sub-basement where there is bare concrete. She has also made friends with the 2 boxer dogs next door. She goes over to play in Willis and Tripper's yard a few time a week. (They have a fence.) She would love to play with the german shorthair pointer puppy on the other side, but they think Maggie is too big to play with him. Just wait! She also has been enjoying lots of early morning runs with B before he heads off to work. She is looking forward to cooler weather so that B and I will start going out to play fetch with her more often.

Enough for now. We've worked hard today, and I'm tired. Have a good one!

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