Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Candy Corn Cookies

I found these cute candy-corn shaped cookies in a recent Parent's magazine. I thought they were really cute and must be easy since you are suppose to use store-bought cookie dough. They didn't tell you how it's next to impossible to get the food coloring and cocoa to mix in evenly in each different layer. They also didn't bother to mention that it's impossible to find i simple triangle shape cookie cutter, and even more impossible to free hand a good candycorn shaped triangle. My presentation isn't exactly as nice as they did, but I was just glad to have them done. Cute idea, not quite as easy to pull off. Maybe I'll give it a try again next year. Until they keep your eyes open for a triangle cookie cutter!


Anonymous said...

The chocolate part of the candy corn is no good anyway. Next time use white, yellow, and orange- the real candy corn colors.

akk said...

the chocolate ones are my favorite! (yea for indian corn) anyways, it would be way hard to turn the dough to be truly white, turning it brown with cocoa is much easier.