Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 06, 2006

Picture Time

I did it. I finally let B take a pregnant picture of me. I don't like it, but it's done. Tomorrow we will hit the 5 weeks left mark! We also start going to the doctor every week after tomorrow's appointment. The big question for the doctor tomorrow is going to be about all the swelling. Ugh! I'm almost to the point of not being able to wear my shoes. I had to take the wedding and engagement ring off a couple of weeks ago.

Mom sent the finished bumper pads for the crib, and I can finally take a picture of it all put together. She and I picked out all of the fabrics. She made everything, and I was able to help with making the fitted sheets and also doing the quilting on the quilt. (Which I am still in the process of finishing.) The baby will have to wait until we move this summer for walls that match his bedding since we are in a rental house for now.

Brad's parents also brought us the babies dresser/changing table a couple weekends ago We decided since we'll be moving so soon, there was no reason to go to the trouble of lugging it upstairs. Baby will also have to wait on having all his furniture in one room. Luckily he'll be too young to complain.

Other than a horrible (to the point I ended up in my boss's office in tears) day at work, that's about it for now. I guess I should get to work on some of the stuff I brought home. More later though.


Lindsay said...

Your belly is cute, prego! I like the nursery. I love the dark wood. Can't wait to meet him!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for a cute belly, sis! The bedding and furniture are really cute too! Only a few more weeks . . .

akk said...

please sign your name at the end of your message next time so i know which sibling you are - thanks

Elizabeth Spann said...

I love it Andrea! You look absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for posting a pic. :)

the gloria family said...

you look gorgeous pregnant. i love that baby bed.