Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We'll see how much of this the kid lets me write before he demands his dinner. Let me just say that you've gotta keep an eye on that little guy. He can move! He uses he feet to push himself around. This morning he had pivoted 90 degrees from where I put him before getting in the shower. Although, he has not repeated his tummy to back roll-over manuever, he keeps trying to get from his back to his tummy now. Won't that be a rude awakening when he accomplishes this task since he really doesn't like being on his tummy. Someone is fussing for his dinner. . .

I am adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom. It really is enough work to be a full-time job! I make a to do list for each day and seem to keep more than busy with it. I got a call today asking if I was interested in a part-time teaching position. Not this year, but thanks.

B is continually busy at work. He seems to be in meetings all day and not have much time for anything else.

My furniture comes tomorrow morning! I'll post pictures!


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