Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Don't say that word

Our busy week continued on with fun nights both Thursday and Friday.

Thursday is our regular "date night" where N gets babysat by a wonderful lady from church. We started by going out to eat at the Scarlet and Cream Letter Club (yes, it's a Husker place). Good food, but I don't think I'd go for the french dip every time. We then walked around the outdoor mall that is right there. I'm very excited that J.Crew has decided to move to O now that I have. It should be open in the next few weeks. We also have an AT Loft which is another great place. Does LR have either yet? The store we're still missing is Janie and Jack. Although considering what the price tags look like and how fast N grows, it might just be a good thing! (check it out: ) Anyways, we went back to the house and decided to top off our date night with a romantic mowing of the lawn. We decided it'd be smart to get it done while we were kidless. I mowed, B edged, and we were done in 20 minutes. (For working in the dark, we did a pretty good job!)

Last night we headed over to A and D's (B's sis and bro-in-law) for some food and games. We had quite a few laughs playing Taboo and A and I beat D and B 35ish to 13ish before they finally decided catching up was impossible. I couldn't get A to guess "thong", and D had quite a time trying to get around to "wonder bra" with B. I can remember playing Taboo regularly with Jeff, Shana, and Jason. Jeff and Jason had some strange connection where they could guess everything with just one word for a clue. Shana and I became great at losing! Oh well, it's a fun memory!

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