Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 03, 2006

FINALLY! No, the baby isn't here yet. I am officially done with the school year though, and that is a great feeling. I woke up this morning not wondering how I was going to keep student X away from student Y, who I was going to bug to watch my class while I run to the restroom 17 different times, and how many times is student Z going to run out of the room today.
The new challenge is keeping myself occupied. With so much to look forward to, time sure can slow down when you're home alone. It's like waiting to go on vacation as a kid! Maggie is making her best attempt at entertaining me between her napping schedule. This morning she put on a show for me as she tried a grape for the first time. It had fallen on the floor, and I figured it couldn't hurt her. It took her several minutes of putting it in and out of her mouth before she finally decided to bite it. She just wasn't sure about the new texture and shape of it.
So when is the baby going to decide to come on out? What do you think? Tomorrow the doctor is going to set up inducement for the 11th, but B and I wouldn't mind him coming a bit earlier. We'll see what happens!


Elizabeth Spann said...

I've got money on the 9th. Just slightly ahead of schedule. ;)

Lindsay said...

Schools out!!!! Woo-hoo! So exciting!

I am betting you will make it to the 11th, but that is just my opinion. I could be wrong, stranger things have happened :)

Jen said...

I'm with Lindsay, I bet it'll be the 11th. I heard first babies are slow. Hang in there! When Isaac was 1 week late, I took up cross-stitch again. It really did help to pass the time. Maybe you could sew! Soft little burp rags are always needed! I really bet it's nice to be out of school and off your feet though!