Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Other than that not too much is going on. B and I are excited to have Dan and Kenya (Dan's dog) visiting for a couple of days. Hopefully Maggie and Kenya will be tired by tonight when B and Dan have a thing at seminary.
That's about it for now. We'll let you know if we successfully persuade the baby to be born!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Welcome to the Family
A nap in the pack'n'play
Enjoying a nice massage in the vibrating seat
Diaper time - oh wait, no diaper to change
With all of his friends who joined him after the baby shower
Hobbes is now anxiously awaiting the trip to the hospital as he sits inside the baby's bag ready to go. Brad and I are also ready to go; we got our bags packed yesterday night. Now we just have to wait for baby to say it's time! Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
This first set of pictures is of the surprise baby shower I was thrown on March 12th. My current school, and my former school, co-conspired to throw a joint shower for me. B knew about it for weeks and didn't even hint at the possibility. I thought he and I were just going out for lunch with one of my former co-workers. Guess I'm a bit naive. It was a lot of fun, and the baby was given a lot of adorable stuff which we are very thankful for.
Some Hope teachers.
Me opening some gifts.
Okay, so that'll be all the shower pictures for now since it's being a pain about downloading them again. I was going to do some other pictures too, but I'm a bit frustrated with the whole process right now.
Other than the shower, here's what's been going on. I survived the final week before Spring Break and also got through parent/teacher conferences. I went to the doctor, and she said things are progressing well. We had company from Decatur, where B vicared (interned), over the weekend which was a lot of fun. Yesterday I was in full spring break mode and did nothing except watch tv and sleep. Today has been a bit more adventurous including a trip to the mall and in a bit it's back to the doctor.
I'll attempt to put up some other pictures later. Hopefully it'll decide to be more cooperative. We'll see. . .
Friday, March 10, 2006
This week was much slower than the last few. I guess that's what I get for commenting about time flying. It's still amazing to be one week closer to the baby being here. At the doctor on Tuesday we got to be hooked up to the monitor for a while. He hadn't been quite as active lately, and the doctor just wanted to check on him. Of course he performed beautifully for the doctor and moved around a ton. It was so neat to listen to and watch the printout of his heartbeat for 20 minutes. It's amazing that 140 bpm is completely normal!
Less than a full week with the kids before Spring Break! Praise God! (truly)
It's going to be a full weekend between grading and report cards. Have a great one!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Picture Time
Mom sent the finished bumper pads for the crib, and I can finally take a picture of it all put together. She and I picked out all of the fabrics. She made everything, and I was able to help with making the fitted sheets and also doing the quilting on the quilt. (Which I am still in the process of finishing.) The baby will have to wait until we move this summer for walls that match his bedding since we are in a rental house for now.
Brad's parents also brought us the babies dresser/changing table a couple weekends ago We decided since we'll be moving so soon, there was no reason to go to the trouble of lugging it upstairs. Baby will also have to wait on having all his furniture in one room. Luckily he'll be too young to complain.
Other than a horrible (to the point I ended up in my boss's office in tears) day at work, that's about it for now. I guess I should get to work on some of the stuff I brought home. More later though.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Finally Friday
Another week of teaching has passed! I can't believe that the weeks actually seem to be going faster lately rather than slower. Only 9 more days of teaching before spring break!
This weekend we are planning to install the carseat; apparently it's a complicated process! We're also going to get our hospital bag together so that we're ready "just in case". I'm looking forward to the idea being that one step closer!